Monday, December 5, 2011

Dr Mahathir saran Umno letak ramai calon pelapis

Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata Umno perlu mencalonkan pelapis muda dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang bagi memberi peluang kepada mereka memegang jawatan dalam parti.

Beliau berkata wakil rakyat yang sudah berumur perlu berundur secara sukarela bagi memberi ruang kepada golongan muda yang berkebolehan dan berbakat untuk menyandang jawatan dalam Umno.

"Kita masuk Umno bukan kita nak dapat jawatan, kita masuk Umno adalah kerana bangsa, agama dan negara. Yang penting perjuangan perlu diteruskan dan parti menang," katanya kepada pemberita pada "Wacana Transformasi PBT Melangkah ke Hadapan: Apa kata Tun M" di Dewan Bandaran Ipoh hari ini.   

Turut hadir isteri beliau Tun Dr Siti Hasmah serta Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir dan isteri Datin Seri Saripah Zulkifli.

Ketika diminta mengulas kenyataan Setiausaha DAP Perak, Nga Kor Ming, yang menghina Zambry pada satu ceramah baru-baru ini, Dr Mahathir berkata parti itu tidak mempunyai idea selain mengeluarkan kata-kata yang tidak sepatutnya.
"Perkara itu menjadi kebiasaan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin DAP dengan memaki hamun serta menghina orang lain. Sepatutnya pemimpin tunjuk perkara yang baik dan apa boleh mereka lakukan kepada rakyat," katanya.seterusnya nya

Thursday, November 3, 2011

FESTIVAL SEKS BEBAS Bangunlah Umat Islam Menentang Kemungkaran!!!

Kami mengutuk keras penglibatan Bar Council, Presidennya Lim Chee Wee dan bekas Presiden Ambiga Sreenavasan dalam penganjuran dan pelancaran Festival Seks Bebas yang diputar-belitkan dengan nama "Seksualiti Merdeka"!

Festival Seks Bebas ini adalah berpaksikan kepada Pertemuan Yogyakarta 2006 yang mempromosikan dan menggalakkan perlakuan seks bebas LBGT - iaitu Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay & Transgender!

Ini adalah usaha membawa ketamadunan kemanusiaan kepada ketamadunan haiwan - mempromosikan amalan seks lesbian (wanita dengan wanita), bisexual (semua jantina boleh balun), gay (seks melalui dubur) dan transgender (pertukaran jantina)!
Ini adalah 'amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e yang ditolak bukan sahaja oleh tamadun kemanusiaan dan akhlak insani, malah ditolak oleh semua agama termasuk agama samawi Islam, Kristian & Yahudi!
Teman menegaskan bahawa Bar Council, serta Presidennya Lim Chee Wee serta bekas Presiden merangkap pengerusi himpunan haram 09 Julai TIDAK BERHAK mengheret Bar Council menyokong festival seks bebas songsang dan luar tabi'e ini. Ini kerana daripada lebih 13,000 peguam yang berdaftar dengan Majlis Peguam, lebih 40% adalah peguam beragama Islam.

Apabila mereka mengheret Bar Council menyokong Festival Seks Bebas ini, ianya memberi gambaran, malahan boleh membawa fitnah kepada para peguam yang beragama Islam. Malahan fitnah ini sudah muncul kerana banyak pertanyaan oleh orang awam khususnya dikalangan umat Islam apa pendirian para peguam beragama Islam dengan gelagat Bar Council menyokong Festival Seks Bebas ini!

Teman dan beberapa peguam beragama Islam mengambil sikap mengutuk keras sikap Lim Chee Wee, Ambiga Sreenavasan dan Bar Council yang mengambil sikap menyokong penganjuran Festival Seks Bebas ini! Dan teman mendesak mereka menarik balik sokongan itu. Kalau mereka nak menyokong, mereka boleh berbuat sedemikian atas sifat peribadi dan bukannya dengan mengheret Bar Council!

Apa yang menjadi kerisauan teman, usaha mempromosikan seks bebas LBGT ini akan digunakan oleh pihak tertentu untuk menghalalkan amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e ini, terutamanya untuk menghapuskan peruntukkan Seksyen 377A-D Kanun Kesiksaan. Seksyen tersebut menjadikan hubungan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e melalui lubang dubur samada antara lelaki dengan lelaki, lelaki dan wanita (termasuk isterinya), samada secara rela mahupun secara paksa.


Sekali lagi kami ingatkan kenyataan Tan Sri Rahim Nor, mantan Ketua Polis Negara yang menegaskan bahawa dunia kini, termasuk negara kita Malaysia, sedang dilanda "virus hak asasi manusia", yang bukan sahaja bertentangan dengan ketamadunan dan peradaban manusia, malah akan menhancurkan keujudan kesinambungan kemanusiaan!

Apabila melihat gelagat mereka ini,saya teringat teori Darwin yang menyatakan bahawa manusia ini berasal dari spesis beruk! saya memang tidak percaya, malah menolak teori Darwin tersebut. Tetapi bila melihat kaum yang mempromosikan amalan seks songsang dan luar tabi'e LBGT ini, agaknya teori Darwin ni merujuk kepada kaum ini mungkin?!

Pernah saya bertemu dengan kaum ini, dan berlaku perdebatan dengan mereka. Mereka beriya-iya menyatakan bahawa ini soal hak asasi mereka. Mereka kata "our body, it's our right"! Teman jawab dengan mudah, kalau mak-bapak anda mengamal seks songsang dan luar tabi'e macam anda, sudah
pasti anda tak akan wujud dimuka bumi ini!!!                                                                                                                   

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Perkasa mahu IGP halang Seksualiti Merdeka, dakwa Ambiga

Wira Perkasa menggesa Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar menggunakan kuasa yang ada untuk menghalang dan membatalkan program Seksualiti Merdeka 2011 yang disifatkan bertentangan dengan amalan rakyat negara ini Selain itu sayap pemuda pertubuhan Melayu itu juga menggesa tindakan tegas diambil ke atas bekas presiden Majlis Peguam Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan yang dijadualkan akan merasmikan program itu minggu depan “Wira Perkasa mendesak supaya perkara ini tegas kerana Ambiga ini dah melampau memecahbelahkan orang Melayu dan mendapatkan satu agama baru bagi hak asasi manusia banyak ajaran yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam “Kita desak Peguam Negara mendakwa Ambiga Ambiga sama dengan penjenayah lain yang menyemarakkan kemarahan orang Melayu dan kita desak Peguam Negara ambil tindakan ” kata Ketua Wira Perkasa Irwan Fahmi Ideris Beliau menambah “Walaupun kemungkinan ISA Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri telah dimansuhkan tapi tolong siasat dan tolong tangkap pengkhianat ini ” Wira Perkasa menyerahkan memorandum bantahan kepada Ismail di Bukit Aman di sini Ia diterima oleh Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Polis Diraja Malaysia ACP Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf Tambah Irwan Fahmi selain Ismail semua pihak berwajib termasuk Kementerian Dalam Negeri Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia Jakim dan Jabatan Peguam Negara perlu mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya “Rakyat terutamanya golongan muda dilihat akan mudah dan cepat terpengaruh dengan dakyah dan manipulasi pihak yang menganjurkan program ini Seksualiti Merdeka adalah festival tahunan yang meraikan hak asasi manusia rakyat yang terdiri daripada pelbagai orientasi seksual dan identiti jantina Ia dianjurkan oleh sekumpulan gabungan longgar pertubuhan bukan kerajaan artis aktivis dan individu sejak 2008 Program festival itu termasuk forum ceramah bengkel pelancaran buku pameran seni dan persembahan berlangsung mulai semalam hingga 13 November di The Annexe Gallery di sini Ia dijadualkan akan dirasmikan oleh Ambiga pada 9 November Penganjuran program itu mendapat bantahan banyak pihak termasuk daripada Pemuda PAS.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Budaya DaP Dari Semanjung sampai ke Masjid Sekitar petra jaya kuching

Ketika umat Islam seluruh Malaysia menyambut perayaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri dalam suasana yang aman dan tenteram, DAP dan Pakatan Pembangkang telah mengambil peluang dengan menyebarkan pengaruh politik mereka di masjid-masjid ketika sembahyang Jumaat lepas.

Pada 9 September 2011, jam 1250 hingga 1315 telah dikesan seramai 5 orang Pemuda DAP yang berketurunan Cina yang diketuai Wong King Wei, ADUN Padungan telah menyebarkan risalah-risalah politik di beberapa masjid di Kuching.

Sikap terdesak dan kurang ajar DAP dan Pakatan Pembangkang itu dilakukan dengan mengedar risalah politik semasa umat Islam bersembahyang Jumaat di beberapa buah masjid di Bandaraya Kuching. Antaranya masjid yang menjadi tumpuan DAP dan Pakatan Pembangkang mengedarkan risalah politik ialah Msjid Jamek, Masjid Tabuan, Masjid Matang dan Masjid Bahagian Kuching.

Tindakan DAP dan Pakatan Pembangkang mengedarkan risalah itu telah dianggap kurang ajar dan melampau. Mereka tidak melihat sensitiviti orang Islam yang menggunakan masjid sebagai tempat beribadah dan bukannya tempat berpolitik. Lebih memburukkan lagi keadaan, pekerja atau mereka yang ditugaskan DAP dan Pakatan Pembangkang untuk menghantar dan menyebarkan risalah politik itu adalah bukan beragama Islam. Perbuatan DAP dan Pakatan Pembangkang boleh mencetuskan isu perkauman sekiranya tidak ditangani dengan sepenuhnya.

Ini telah menimbulkan perasaan kurang senang jemaah yang hadir ke masjid untuk bersembahyang Jumaat. Difahamkan kejadian ini telah berlaku sejak 3 minggu lalu sebelum Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Atas rasa bertanggungjawab terhadap tindakan DAP dan Pakatan Pembangkang yang keterlaluan dan kurang ajar, Pemuda PBB Sarawak telah mengambil keputusan membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Gita. Laporan polis dibuat oleh Ahli Jawatankuasa Ketua Pemuda PBB Sarawak, Wan Hamzah Wan Paie pada Sabtu, 10 September 2011. 

Seperti biasa, Pakatan Pembangkang Sarawak kian terdesak untuk meluaskan pengaruhnya di kalangan umat Islam dan orang Melayu. Melihat kepada keputusan Pilihan Raya DUN Sarawak lepas, mendapati majoriti orang Melayu sekeras-kerasnya menolak kehadiran Pakatan Pembangkang di kawasan mereka. Keputusan DAP sebelum ini yang mahu meluaskan pengaruhnya di kawasan Melayu dan Bumiputera Sarawak bersandarkan kepada kurangnya sokongan yang mereka perolehi dalam Pilihan Raya DUN Sarawak Ke-10.

Sikap Pakatan Pembangkang Sarawak dengan Pakatan Pembangkang di Semenanjung Malaysia tiada jauh bezanya. Apa yang dilihat di Semenanjung, itulah yang dapat digambarkan di Sarawak. Pakatan Pembangkang Sarawak telah mendapat hidayah daripada rakan mereka di Semenanjung bagi mencapai cita-citanya untuk menakluk pentadbiran Malaysia. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Abu Bekir sedia bertanding di Parlimen Mukah

Tokoh korporat terkemuka Dato Sri Mahmud Abu Bekir Abdul Taib menyatakan kesediaan beliau untuk dicalonkan di Parlimen Mukah dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) akan datang.
Bagaimanapun, Timbalan Pengerusi Kumpulan Cahya Mata Sarawak (CMS) itu menyerahkan kepada pucuk pimpinan Barisan Nasional (BN) Pusat dan Negeri untuk membuat keputusan.
“Selain membesar dalam suasana politik, saya memang meminati serta mengikuti perkembangan politik negara sejak dahulu.
“Saya menjadi ahli Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Kuching ketika berusia 19 tahun. Sejak itu minat terhadap politik kian berkembang,” ujarnya.
Justeru, Mahmud Abu Bekir tidak menolak untuk dicalonkan di Parlimen Mukah andai itu yang diminta oleh penduduk di sini.
“Jika itu permintaan majoriti, saya bersedia. Selama ini pun saya berkhidmat di sini secara tidak langsung menerusi projek-projek pembangunan seliaan CMS.
“Apatah lagi daerah ini merupakan tempat asal keluarga saya. Saya bersedia untuk dicalonkan sama ada di Parlimen Mukah atau di mana sahaja,” jelasnya.
Beliau berkata demikian semasa diminta Utusan Borneo mengulas ucapan Ketua Menteri Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud dalam Majlis Ramah-tamah Aidilfitri di The Grand, Kingwood Resorts, di sini semalam.
Abdul Taib memberitahu bahawa beliau membawa Mahmud Abu Bekir ke majlis-majlis rasmi di sini untuk memberi pendedahan kepada anak keduanya itu tentang senario mutakhir politik tempatan.
Pada masa sama, beliau mahu Mahmud Abu Bekir menabur khidmat kepada bumi kelahiran moyangnya (Mukah) menerusi politik.
Sementara itu, Menteri Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber Kedua Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan gembira dengan kesediaan Mahmud Abu Bekir untuk berkecimpung secara langsung dalam politik.
“Latar belakang keluarga, pendidikan, pengalaman serta pergaulan beliau (Mahmud Abu Bekir) yang luas merupakan kelebihan besar kepada BN.
“Tanpa penafian, beliau berpotensi besar untuk dicalonkan sama ada di sini atau kawasan lain dalam PRU akan datang,” tambah Naib Presiden Kanan PBB itu.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stay away from Sarawak election, Daud tells PPP

Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice-president Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman yesterday advised People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to concentrate on winning the seats it lost in the peninsula in 2008.
He told PPP not to contest in the state during the coming general election as it would disunite and destablise the status quo
of state BN component parties – PBB, PRS, SPDP and SUPP – as all seats had been allocated among them.
“If PPP wants to help the state BN component parties we welcome but if they want to contest it will disunite the present unity,” Daud said.
We do not want other BN component parties from peninsula to disunite the state BN,” he said further, urging PPP to concentrate in the peninsula and work closely with other BN parties there.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

malaysia boleh

Suasana di 7 on 7, mereka mengharapkan kemenangan harimau mudan . Go malaysia go ,malaysia boleh
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ambiga dihalau daripada masuk Sarawak

Video di pejabat Imegresen Sarawak.. Jelas Ambiga kena banned sejak pilihanraya negeri lagi. Lega melihat Pengerusi BERSIH tersekat di pintu sempadan, akhirnya dihalau keluar daripada negeri ini. Dia bukan orang pertama... sudah pasti juga bukan orang yang terakhir.

Ada pula suara satu mamat india di belakang tak puas hati, nak tukar Ketua Menteri Sarawak? lu patut sedar diri, lu asal mana datang....? Sarawakkah? ......Next......

Friday, July 1, 2011

Daud : Urgent need for alternative road

KUCHING: The construction of the alternative road that links Matang area and Kuching City Centre should be built immediately because of the critical traffic congestion in the area at present.

A s s i s t a n t M i n i s t e r o f Infrastructure Development, Datuk Haji Daud Abdul Rahman said the population in Matang area had reached about 50,000 people and the number of vehicles had also increased.

“The problem of traffic congestion is really worrying especially in the early morning when parents are sending their children to schools and during peak hours,” he told reporters when checking on the problems of traffic congestion at the Matang By-Pass temporary road infront of SMK Matang Jaya here Wednesday.

Daud said, the temporary road measuring a distance of three kilometers had been completed about four months ago.The road now is being used by various types of vehicle and they were all avoiding using the Matang Road which lead to the Datuk Temenggong Abdul Kipli Abang Akip roadabout .

“We made a thorough study and present the matter to Public Work Department (JKR) and the professionals to find the most effective ways to overcome the problem of congestion in the Matang area,” he said.

He added that there is no plan to construct a fly-over in Matang area but his ministry will wait for the result of a study that had been carried out to identify the most effective ways to reduce the problem of congestion in the areas.

“I agree with the statement issued by the Minister of Housing and Urban Development Datuk Amar Abang Haji Johari Tun Openg recently that the construction of a viaduct will not be able to solve the problem of traffic congestion but however, I am not against its construction,” he said.

Meanwhile, he said after the connection of Federal Road which passes through Matang area is completed in 2012, he hoped the problem of traffic congestion there would be reduced in the future.

Daud who is also Tupong Assemblyman said an alternative road had been planned to be built at Paroh in Matang and it is included in the 10th MalaysianPlan.

“Proposal to build this new road is now being considered in the 10th Malaysia Plan and if there is no problem, we are scheduling the road to be built by next year,” he said.

He said, the residents in the Matang areas should accept the fact that the problem of traffic congestion is something that cannot be avoided.

“The government is certainly making effort to find the best ways to reduce this problem of traffic congestion because it happen everywhere especially now that Kuching City is rapidly growing,” he said.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Massive loss of Chinese seats complicates CM’s desire for balanced cabinet

KUCHING: Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud said he needs more time to think before reshuffling the present state cabinet.
He said it was not about ‘inspiration’ but rather more so about the ‘timing’ of when it would be carried out.
“Honestly it’s not about inspiration of when I will reshuffle the state cabinet but more so about the timing,” Taib told the media after his winding-up speech at the State Legislative Assembly Sitting here yesterday.
Last week, he had told the media that the new state cabinet line-up would be a very complex matter following the massive loss of SUPP in the last state election where they lost 13 out of the 15 Chinese majority seats.
Out of the 13 seats, the DAP had won 12 seats and PKR one. The only two winners from the Chinese community are SUPP deputy secretary general Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh who had won his Bawang Assan seat and SUPP CWC member Datuk Lee Kim Shin in Senadin.
Notable loss to the party are its president and deputy chief minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan in Piasau, treasurer-general Datuk David Teng (Repok), information chief Datuk Alfred Yap (Kota Sentosa), Youth chief Sih Hua Tong (Batu Lintang) and budding politician and former head of SGH Heart Centre Prof Dr Sim Kui Hian (Pending).
Also last week he was quoted as saying: “In a way yes, But in another way, it is the ups and downs of politics.
And I want to see whether there are ways of encouraging better Chinese participation in the government.
“And that is very important because basically what I want for Sarawak is that it should always be a multi-racial state.
“I think we can say that we are very determined to do so for the simple reason that in Sarawak, we have no race that has the simple majority,” Taib was quoted after attending the opening of the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) by Head of State Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Muhammad Salahuddin at DUN complex here last week.
As such, Taib said he would take some time to study the current political situation before reshuffling the present cabinet.
“Let me think about it properly. I have got to study it (the current political situation) it very well. It’s quite a complex situation here.
“You see the main thing is, I am a bit worried how I can get the Chinese representation to express themselves on a more natural way,” he explained.
Taib who is also the Minister of Planning and Resource Management added that he still believed that most Chinese in Sarawak were quite moderate and decent people.
“But during election, they got excited, they followed the trend. It is okay. We accepted that and I don’t want to comment on that,” he said.
However, Taib was optimistic that SUPP’s recent failure was not going to be a permanent feature in the local politics.
When asked whether Wong would be elevated as deputy chief minister to replace Dr Chan, Taib quipped: “Let’s see what happened. I have got to consult my colleagues in a lot of ways.”
He also refused to speculate on the current sitting arrangement of PRS president Tan Sri Dr James Masing who had been seated on Dr Chan’s former chair in the DUN arrangement.
“I have not thought about all these things yet. Are we going to have one DCM or three or four, I don’t know yet.
“Let us see the structure of the cabinet,” he said.
Currently, the state cabinet has 10 full ministers and 12 assistant ministers after the recent elevation of Tan Sri Datuk Amar Adenan Satem as the Minister with Special Functions in the Chief Minister’s office.
The last major state cabinet reshuffle was done at the end of 2009 and minor one in early 2010.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Display of invalid halal signs on the rise — Daud

KUCHING: Displaying photocopied halal certificates at food outlets and using halal signs not issued by Jabatan Agama Islam Sarawak (Jais) is against the law, said Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Office (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman.
He was responding to a question raised by Asajaya assemblyman Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah on the usage of photocopied halal certificates by food outlets in Sarawak.
He added displaying photocopied halal certificates was very common in the state and his ministry had taken action against food outlets caught doing it.
“Sometimes using the photocopied certificates were displayed because the premises actually served meat bought from halal slaughter houses but the certificates were not valid as they were not issued by the proper authorities,” Daud explained during the State Legaslative Assembly (DUN) sitting yesterday.
He said, the proprietors would photocopy the halal certificates of the halal slaughterhouse and put it up at their premises.
“Doing so is against the law, and the Sarawak Department of Islamic Affairs (JAIS) has ordered them to take the signs down,” he added.
Daud also said that the number of business outlets putting up halal signs which were not certified by JAIS was increasing in the state.
“It is impossible to take action against those who use the halal sign if what they sell were in accordance with the halal standards as there are no special halal acts to regulate this matter,” he said.
He added that shops selling non-halal food despite putting up the halal signs would be charged under the Trade Descriptions Act 1972.
Earlier Daud disclosed that eight business premises in the state had been charged for selling non halal food despite having been issued the halal certificate by Jai in answer to Abdul Karim’s question on the breach of halal conditions by halal certified poultry slaughterhouses, hotels and food outlets in Sarawak.
Asked why the cases were not brought to court, Daud explained that JAIS could only suspend Halal certificates or give warnings to the premises as there was no legislations to charge them.
“At present we can only use the Trade Description Act 1972 to charge those who misuses halal certificates. A special Halal Act is currently under consideration by the federal government and will be discussed in the Parliament soon,” he added.
Earlier, Daud revealed that a total of 103 inspections were carried last year on business premises issued with halal certificates by JAIS.
Out of these 22 had been found to have committed minor offences like poor hygiene in their shops while 48 were found to have change the ingredients of their food without informing Jais as the new ingredients were obtained from sources not certified halal by the relevant authorities.
On the question of the new Muslim cemetery site for Maludam and its surrounding area Daud said that Jais and Land and Survey Department would be meeting with representatives from the village before Ramadan on this matter.
- end.KUCHING: Displaying photocopied halal certificates at food outlets and using halal signs not issued by Jabatan Agama Islam Sarawak (Jais) is against the law, said Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman.
He was responding to a question raised by Asajaya assemblyman Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah on the use of photocopied halal certificates by food outlets in Sarawak.
He added that displaying photocopied halal certificates was very common in the state and his ministry had taken action against food outlets caught doing it.
“Sometimes photocopied certificates were displayed because the premises actually served meat bought from halal slaughter houses but the certificates were not valid as they were not issued by the proper authorities,” Daud explained during the State Legaslative Assembly (DUN) sitting yesterday.
He said, the proprietors would photocopy the halal certificates of the halal slaughterhouse and put it up at their premises.
“Doing so is against the law, and the Sarawak Department of Islamic Affairs (JAIS) has ordered them to take the signs down,” he added.
Daud also said that the number of business outlets putting up halal signs which were not certified by JAIS was increasing in the state.
“It is impossible to take action against those who use the halal sign if what they sell are in accordance with the halal standards as there are no special halal acts to regulate this matter,” he said.
He added that shops selling non-halal food despite putting up the halal signs would be charged under the Trade Descriptions Act 1972.
Earlier Daud disclosed that eight business premises in the state had been charged with selling non halal food despite having been issued the halal certificate by JAIS in answer to Abdul Karim’s question on the breach of halal conditions by halal certified poultry slaughterhouses, hotels and food outlets in Sarawak.
Asked why the cases were not brought to court, Daud explained that JAIS could only suspend Halal certificates or give warnings to the premises as there was no legislations to charge them.
“At present we can only use the Trade Description Act 1972 to charge those who misuse halal certificates. A special Halal Act is currently under consideration by the federal government and will be discussed in the Parliament soon,” he added.
Earlier, Daud revealed that a total of 103 inspections were carried last year on business premises issued with halal certificates by JAIS.
Out of these 22 had been found to have committed minor offences like poor hygiene in their shops while 48 were found to have changed the ingredients of their food without informing JAIS as the new ingredients were obtained from sources not certified halal by the relevant authorities.
On the question of the new Muslim cemetery site for Maludam and its surrounding area Daud said that JAIS and Land and Survey Department would be meeting with representatives from the village before Ramadan on this matter.

Tiada akaun di Bank Swiss

KUCHING: Ketua Menteri Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud sedia memberi kerjasama penuh kepada Persekutuan Switzerland, jika dikehendaki berbuat demikian, berhubung dakwaan Tabung Bruno Manser (BMF) yang mengatakan beliau memiliki akaun bank di Switzerland.
Sambil menafikan sekeras-kerasnya beliau memiliki akaun sulit di Bank Swiss Taib ber-kata, kesediaan itu adalah untuk membersihkan namanya dan Kerajaan Negeri daripada isu rasuah serta salah guna kuasa.
“Saya tidak memiliki akaun sulit di Bank Swiss juga harta atau apa jua bentuk pelaburan. Tidak ada sama sekali,” katanya dalam pengumuman khas selepas sesi soal-jawab dalam persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), semalam.
Menurutnya, beliau telah menulis surat kepada Presiden Switzerland, Micheline Calmy-Ray pada bulan lepas bagi mengesahkan sama ada mengarahkan siasatan Lembaga Penyelia Pasaran Kewangan Switzerland seperti didakwa BMF atau memberi salinan tuduhan untuk mendapatkan nasihat guaman.
Beliau yang menegaskan BMF mempunyai agenda politik menerusi dakwaan tersebut berkata, badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) tersebut memiliki rekod lampau dalam menuduh Kerajaan Negeri sejak beberapa tahun lepas.
Katanya antara lain, BMF menuduh Kerajaan Negeri telah menebang 90 peratus hutan di Sarawak meskipun pakar perhutanan tempatan dan antarabangsa mengesahkan 70 peratus hutan diuruskan dengan baik.
“Tuduhan BMF adalah salah dan tuduhan mengatakan saya memiliki harta di Switzerland merupakan kesinambungan usaha untuk mencemarkan imej Kerajaan Negeri, negeri dan para pemimpinnya,” ujarnya.
Taib berkata, dakwaan BMF juga digunakan oleh ahli politik tempatan untuk meraih sokongan orang ramai dalam usaha menentang beliau dan kerajaan negeri yang dipimpinnya.
“Sebagai ketua kerajaan negeri dan ahli badan perundangan, dalam mengekalkan amalan dan tradisi berparlimen, saya bertanggungjawab terhadap Dewan yang mulia ini.
“Justeru, adalah cara terbaik dan hak bagi saya untuk membuat kenyataan peribadi di Dewan yang mulia ini sejajar dengan Perintah Tetap 22 berhubung dakwaan BMF, sebuah NGO asing yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap rakyat Sarawak,” katanya.
Kelmarin, Taib yang juga Menteri Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber berkata, beliau akan menjawab persoalan berhubung dakwaan rasuah hasil balak terhadapnya semalam.
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) pada 6 Jun mengesahkan pihaknya sedang melakukan siasatan berhubung dakwaan rasuah Ketua Menteri.
Pesuruhjaya Datuk Seri Abu Kassim Mohamed berkata SPRM dalam proses mengumpul maklumat berikutan keputusan Agensi Antirasuah Switzerland untuk membekukan harta Taib baru-baru ini.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tangani provokasi dengan bijak

KUCHING 19 Jun - Setiap Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Barisan Nasional (BN) telah diberi taklimat dan pendedahan sewajarnya untuk berhadapan dengan provokasi dan menangani kerenah pembangkang sebaik sahaja Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) bersidang kelak.
Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud  berkata, pendedahan sebegitu perlu diberikan kepada setiap wakil rakyat, terutamanya muka baru memandangkan pembangkang lebih berminat untuk berpolitik berbanding membincangkan hal ehwal kepentingan negeri.
"Kita telah adakan seminar baru-baru ini dan setiap ADUN telah diberi penerangan mengenai dasar-dasar kerajaan serta situasi semasa politik di negeri ini
"Penumpuan diberikan kepada ADUN baru supaya tahu prosedur-prosedur (persidangan) serta mengenali sikap sebenar pembangkang dan apa jua isu yang ditimbulkan mereka," katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat BN negeri di sini, hari ini.
Semua ADUN Sarawak dijadual mengangkat sumpah esok (20 Jun) sebelum Yang Dipertua Negeri, Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng menyempurnakan perasmian persidangan DUN 21 Jun ini.
Dalam pada itu, ADUN Saribas, Mohammad Razi Sitam berkata, seminar dan taklimat khas yang diadakan banyak membantu wakil rakyat yang baru sepertinya mempersiapkan diri menghadapi persidangan DUN.
"Mesyuarat yang berlangsung hari ini pula sebenarnya lebih kepada taklimat akhir pucuk pimpinan kepada semua wakil rakyat BN sebelum DUN

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Three food outlets in state lose halal certs – Daud

KUCHING: This year three food outlets in the state have been stripped of their halal certificates for non-compliance with the rules and regulations of Sarawak Islamic Religious Department (JAIS).
According to Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman, the action taken by JAIS was an indication of how strict the department was on the halal issue.
“The outlets had violated the guidelines given to them and we are strict on this matter,” Daud elaborated.
Addressing reporters after a gotong royong session and handover of ISO 9001:2008 certification to JAIS, Daud pointed out that the three outlets concerned could re-apply for the licence.
“They will need to rectify the issue first, and when we are satisfied with the outcome, we will give them the certification.”
He added that the three outlets, which included a hotel, were issued two notices before the certification was revoked.
On several food products in the market without halal certification, Daud said JAIS had no right to push for food producers to get the certificate.
“However, the certification would benefit them, as consumers, especially Muslims, would not have any doubt on the product,” he elaborated.
On foreign food products, Daud said the department accepted halal certifications by Islamic agencies or authorities from the country of origin.
He said JAIS could only act on the misuse of the halal logo which could confuse consumers.
“To avoid this problem, it is better for Muslims to find products or food outlets with the halal certification,” he said.
Earlier Daud reminded staff of JAIS to listen to the problems and comments of the public, especially on the Internet.
“As an agency serving the people, it is your responsibility to listen to the people, as it will assist in shaping and improving the department.”
Daud said in today’s world, various channels are available for people to give comments or suggestions for improvement.
Also present were State Islamic Council head Datu Putit Matzen, State Mufti Ustaz Kipli Yassin, State Imam Advisor Datu Nahrawi Abdul Rahman and JAIS director Abang Shamsuddin Abang Seruji.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fadillah gives Siah 7 days to apologise

KUCHING: PBB Youth Chief Datuk Fadillah Yusof yesterday issued MoCS leader Francis Paul Siah an ultimatum of seven days to apologise to Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and the people of Sarawak for his call for Taib to step down.
“His action is an act against the nation’s democracy system and we are ready to cooperate with the police to stop his action,” said Fadillah when asked by reporters at Civic Centre yesterday.
He added that he was confident that the police would investigate this matter thoroughly and they would look into bringing this matter to the Home Ministry (KDN) as the call by Siah was a threat to the state’s security.
“The people had stated their decision clearly during the last state election and he is going against the people’s wish,” he said. When asked on
BN’s preparation for the general election, Fadillah said BN was always ready as elected representatives had always served the people. If the last state election was an indication for the general election, Fadillah said BN would have to work harder to win the hearts of the people.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pemuda pbb zon kuching Buat Laporan Polis????

Pemuda PBB Zon Kuching pada jam 4 petang tadi telah membuat laporan polis terhadap Francis Paul Siah mengenai isi kandungan ugutan beliau untuk mengadakan demonstrasi rakyat secara besdar besarn sekiranya YAB KM Sarawak tidak meletak jawatan sehingga 13 Ogus 2011 nanti.

ROMBONGAN PEMUDA PBB ZON KUCHING petang tadi diketuai oleh Wan Hamzah Wan Paie selaku Ketua Pemuda Zon Kuching yang diiringi bersama 10 orang ketua pemuda PBB dari seluruh Kuching dan lebih kurang 50 orang ahli pemuda PBB serta pihak media tenpatan dan nasional.

Pemuda meminta agar pihak polis membuat siasatan atas perkara berikut ;

1. Francis Siah mempunyai niat untuk mengadakan demonstarsi jalanan besar besaran ala timur tengah yang boleh mengancam ketenteraman awam di Sarawak.Walaupun beliau menyatakan dalam artikel tersebut bahawa rancangan tersebut akan diadakan secara aman, namun di dalam perenggan terakhir artikel tersebut beliau menyatakan sekiranya terdesak beliau akan melalukan apa sahaja untuk memaksa KM berundur. Ini memberi gambaran bahawa beliau beliau mempunyai potensi untuk menjadikan perhimpunan itu sebagai momentum huru hara negeri Sarawak. Ini boleh dianggap sebagai subversive dan menghasut rakyat untuk memberontak dan ini adalah satu kesalahan besar di sisi undang undang Negara.

2. Pemuda PBB juga mahu pihak polis menyiasat adakah Francis Siah menerima bantuan dana dari Negara barat yang ingin melihat Malaysia menjadi padang jarak padang terkukur seperti yang dilakukan oleh mereka di Timur Tengah. Ini kerana perancangan besar Francis Siah ini melibatkan jumlah dana yang besar, dan sekiranya dana ini wujud dan benar dari pihak Negara barat maka siasatan haruslah dibuat adakah Francis Siah ini menjadi perkakas Negara barat di Sarawak.

3. Tindakan Francis ini menghina system demokrasi dan menghina suara rakyat Sarawak yang dengan jelas mahu YAB Pehin Sri dan BN memimpin semula Sarawak.Tindakan ini jelas menolak dan menghina asas perlembagaan Negara kita.

4. Francis Siah juga menghasut orang awam untuk membenci SPR dengan menyatakan pilihanraya yang lepas telah berjalan dengan tidak benar dan tidak tulus . Ini bermakna beliau menghasut rakyat Sarawak untuk membenci agensi yang dipayungi secara langsung oleh kuasa Yang Dipertuan Agong lebih lebih lagi keputusan pilihanraya telah pun diperkenankan melalui pengwartaan baru baru ini.

Atas laporan polis ini maka Pemuda PBB Zon Kuching menyatakan 3 pendirian kami yang berikut ;

1. Pemuda PBB akan menjadi banteng kukuh mempertahankan kepimpinan YAB Pehin SRI Abdul Taib Mahmud dan Francis Siah perlulah berhadapan dengan Pemuda PBB dahulu sebelum mencabar YAB KM.

2. Pemuda PBB menyeeru semua rakyat Sarawak agar memboikot dan menggagalkan perancangan jahat Francis Siah. Ini adalah perlu bagi memastikan kesejahteraan dan kestabilan negeri Saeawak akan terus terpelihara.

3. Pemuda PBB memberi masa selama 7 hari untuk Francis Siah menarik balik artikel beliau itu, sekiranya tidak maka kami akan membawa laporan polis ini kepada YB Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan menentut agar tindakan yang keras diambil terhadap Francis Siah demi kebaikan seluruh rakyat negeri Sarawak.

Friday, May 13, 2011

‘Division inevitable if Umno decides to enter Sarawak’

KUCHING: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice president Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman said if Umno insisted on spreading its wings into Sarawak without prior approval from the State Barisan Nasional’s (BN) leadership, division among the people is inevitable.
He said PBB is still the backbone party of the BN in Sarawak by virtue of the handsome mandate the party received during the April 16 state election.
“We (PBB) still have the strong support of the people. PBB won in all 35 seats contested in the last state polls,” he told Utusan Borneo yesterday.
On top of the mandate received, PBB saw an increased majority votes as well as popularity of its candidates, said Daud who is Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department.
“Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has also clarified that in Sarawak, PPB is Umno’s partner. We could also see the good support of Bumiputeras towards PBB,” he said when insisting that Umno’s attempt to enter Sarawak would be a futile effort.
Daud was commenting on a statement by Umno Batu Pahat member Ibrahim Jeman that he wished to change the manner of recruiting Sarawakians as Umno members.
On Wednesday, Ibrahim, a Sarawakian said his style would not be the same as that of a group which called themselves sponsor of Umno’s entry into Sarawak or JPUNS in that his style was to recruit Sarawakians through valid Umno branches in West Malaysia.
Yesterday Daud said Umno should have been reminded by the example of another West Malaysian based BN component, People’s Progressive Party (PPP) which received only lukewarm public response despite its boast of having many members.
“We look at PPP which came to Sarawak. It seems that they received a negative response from the people here,” he pointed out.
Umno should focus on their affairs in West Malaysia and Sabah instead of Sarawak, he insisted.
“Just let PBB and its partners in the state BN take care of their own backyard,” he added.
“Thank God, we have been well taken care of and our hope is that Unmo can take care of people in West Malaysia and win with a bigger margin in the next general election,” he said.
He stressed that BN would lose big if Umno chose to enter Sarawak as this would only contribute to splits and instability which in turn would benefit the opposition front.
Daud however said he believed Umno’s top leadership would maintain their principle of not coming over to Sarawak not only due to BN principle of consensus and respect but also a political reality.
“If they (Umno) are sincere, I advise them to strengthen their position in West Malaysia. In Sarawak, let us strive