Sunday, January 30, 2011
Opposition blasted over personal attacks via Internet
Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Office (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman yesterday lambasted the opposition for being ‘bankrupt of issues’ by making personal attacks through the Internet.
He said the opposition, especially their bloggers, was using personal attacks to gain political support.
“Politics should be about generating growth and development, and not about making personal attacks against your opponent,” he commented to reporters after a prize presentation ceremony at SK Agama Datuk Haji Abdul Kadir Hassan yesterday.
Daud, who is also vice-president of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), said a lot of the postings made by the opposition against BN were false and slanderous.
“As far as BN is concerned, we do not need to look for personal issues to criticise the opposition. We get support from the people by implementing development projects such as improvement of infrastructure which can benefit the people,” he said.
Daud, who is Tupong assemblyman, was asked to comment on the emergence of many pro-opposition blogs which featured postings claiming to spill the beans on the personal lives of BN politicians.
The timing of such postings came close to the state election which is expected to be called anytime by July.
On another matter, Daud said the state government would build two more religious primary schools or SK Agama to accommodate the rising number of students.
He said these new schools would be built under the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP).
“We are receiving 800 applications for SK Agama schools every year, but we can only accept 200 pupils. To overcome this, we want to build two more SK Agama schools in Petra Jaya, Kuching and Mukah,” he said.
Presently the state has eight SK Agama schools namely SK Agama Datuk Haji Abdul Kadir Hassan, SK Agama Ibnu Khaldun Samarahan, SK Agama Sri Aman, SK Agama Sarikei, SK Agama Sibu, SK Agama Bintulu, SK Agama Miri and SK Agama Lawas.
Daud also presented a grant of RM336,356 to SK Agama Datuk Haji Abdul Kadir Hassan for the maintenance of the 25-year-old school.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
NCR problems solved with issuance of land titles
The problems faced by villagers in Tupong area regarding their native customary rights (NCR) land titles were solved yesterday with the issuance of land titles by their elected representative Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman.
Some 600 villagers smiled on receiving the green slips. They were from Kampung Gita Tengah, Kampung Gita Laut, Kampung Gita Lama, Kampung Gita Baru, Kampung Tupong Ulu, Kampung Tupong Tengah, Kampung Tupong Batu, Kampung Sinjan, Kampung Tanjong, Kampung Sungai Bedil and Kampung Lintang.

Daud said all procedures – even if lengthy – must be followed to ensure no hitch in getting their land titles.
“The last batch of land titles received their titles in 2001, but we must remember that the process then was different than today’s. Proper measurement must be taken so that no party was given the short end of the deal,” Daud said at a handover ceremony here yesterday.
He added that the government respected the people’s property.
“There was a suggestion for the government to take the land needed for road expansion project, but a better idea was mooted to give the villagers their land titles first, then take part of their land for the project,” Daud said.
“We wanted to assure the people have full rights to their land, and the government does not simply take it. If any part of the land is needed, the owner will be fully compensated.”
He said with the issuance of the land titles, the land problem in his area could be said to be 100 per cent solved.
He did not deny that some quarters were saying the land titles were being issued due to the upcoming election.
But he said it was not true as the government was carrying out its duty to the people, and it was a continuous effort.
In Sarawak, over 34,000 land titles were issued to traditional villages, of which over 12,000 were in Kuching and over 3,000 in Tupong area.
Daud said some people were skeptical over their land titles but they could approach any bank to confirm that it is legal tender.
He urged the people not to sell land under perpetuity land titles which should be family heirlooms to be passed down the generations.
“Land prices in town now is over RM10,000 one point. What you are holding on to now is priceless because the land is getting scarce in town. Instead, they can mortgage the land to build houses or improve their homes and improve their quality of life,” he said.
Similarly, Land and Survey Department enforcer Abdullah Julaihi advised the people with land problems to go directly to the department for a clearer explanation.
“Do not listen to rumours, if you want to know regarding the land issue, go to the Land and Survey Department. Ask me, ask your assemblyman then you will get the correct answer.”
Daud who is also Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) said the BN was not worried about Sarawak National Party (SNAP) joining the Borneo Alliance under the United Borneo Front civil rights movement of Sabah, headed by Datuk Dr Jefferey Kitingan.
“They are the same opposition. We will not fear them. It is the same group of people; last time they were under Pakatan (Rakyat), now they jump from one party to the other. They are trying to find opportunities but I’m sure the rakyat is more confident with a consistent party like BN,” Daud said, adding that BN had always been the people’s champion.
He said a new party did not be better – take a look at their manifesto and what they are fighting for.
Asked about voters who want something different, Daud asked what ‘difference’ do they want.
“They claim to want a new government? In UK there is no difference – be it under labour or liberal leadership because they still face problems,” he said.
Also present were Deputy Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusuf and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu Tupong deputy branch head Councillor Dr Zaidi Suhaili.
Some 600 villagers smiled on receiving the green slips. They were from Kampung Gita Tengah, Kampung Gita Laut, Kampung Gita Lama, Kampung Gita Baru, Kampung Tupong Ulu, Kampung Tupong Tengah, Kampung Tupong Batu, Kampung Sinjan, Kampung Tanjong, Kampung Sungai Bedil and Kampung Lintang.

Daud said all procedures – even if lengthy – must be followed to ensure no hitch in getting their land titles.
“The last batch of land titles received their titles in 2001, but we must remember that the process then was different than today’s. Proper measurement must be taken so that no party was given the short end of the deal,” Daud said at a handover ceremony here yesterday.
He added that the government respected the people’s property.
“There was a suggestion for the government to take the land needed for road expansion project, but a better idea was mooted to give the villagers their land titles first, then take part of their land for the project,” Daud said.
“We wanted to assure the people have full rights to their land, and the government does not simply take it. If any part of the land is needed, the owner will be fully compensated.”
He said with the issuance of the land titles, the land problem in his area could be said to be 100 per cent solved.
He did not deny that some quarters were saying the land titles were being issued due to the upcoming election.
But he said it was not true as the government was carrying out its duty to the people, and it was a continuous effort.
In Sarawak, over 34,000 land titles were issued to traditional villages, of which over 12,000 were in Kuching and over 3,000 in Tupong area.
Daud said some people were skeptical over their land titles but they could approach any bank to confirm that it is legal tender.
He urged the people not to sell land under perpetuity land titles which should be family heirlooms to be passed down the generations.
“Land prices in town now is over RM10,000 one point. What you are holding on to now is priceless because the land is getting scarce in town. Instead, they can mortgage the land to build houses or improve their homes and improve their quality of life,” he said.
Similarly, Land and Survey Department enforcer Abdullah Julaihi advised the people with land problems to go directly to the department for a clearer explanation.
“Do not listen to rumours, if you want to know regarding the land issue, go to the Land and Survey Department. Ask me, ask your assemblyman then you will get the correct answer.”
Daud who is also Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Islamic Affairs) said the BN was not worried about Sarawak National Party (SNAP) joining the Borneo Alliance under the United Borneo Front civil rights movement of Sabah, headed by Datuk Dr Jefferey Kitingan.
“They are the same opposition. We will not fear them. It is the same group of people; last time they were under Pakatan (Rakyat), now they jump from one party to the other. They are trying to find opportunities but I’m sure the rakyat is more confident with a consistent party like BN,” Daud said, adding that BN had always been the people’s champion.
He said a new party did not be better – take a look at their manifesto and what they are fighting for.
Asked about voters who want something different, Daud asked what ‘difference’ do they want.
“They claim to want a new government? In UK there is no difference – be it under labour or liberal leadership because they still face problems,” he said.
Also present were Deputy Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusuf and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu Tupong deputy branch head Councillor Dr Zaidi Suhaili.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
GAMBAR: Datuk Daud sanggup berjalan kaki untuk bertemu rakyat
Siapa kata Datuk Daud tidak sihat? Sebelum ini Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman yang juga ADUN N.6 Tupong, telah dikaitkan dengan berbagai penyakit. Sampai ada yang mengatakan beliau sudah tidak layak berkhidmat untuk rakyat lantaran kesihatan yang kian meruncing.
Itulah dunia politik, itulah kebebasan bersuara yang diciptakan pembangkang. Siapa saja boleh mengolah cerita buruk demi meruntuhkan keyakinan rakyat, kerana runtuhnya keyakinan itu nanti akan membuka kesempatan buat mereka yang kemaruk ingin jadi YB.

Sepanjang lawatan ke sekitar N.6 Tupong, bukan sekadar tidak ada rungutan atau bantahan terhadap kepimpinan Datuk Daud. Malah terdapat cadangan spontan dari seorang penduduk, agar kerajaan menggunakan tanah beliau untuk membuat parit dan jalan demi keselesaan bersama Menurut PAS, kononnya Datuk Daud sedang ketakutan. Apakah sokongan yang begitu baik dari rakyat akar umbi menyebabkan Datuk Daud terlalu takut dengan PAS?
atau PAS sudah lesu dengan strategi putar belit yang serba tak menjadi?
Monday, January 17, 2011
No Pakatan Rakyat racism please
Below is writing by Mariam Mokhtar, "
Sunday, 16 January 2011 01:08
But Taib does not practise 1Malaysia
Written by Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle
Taib Mahmud can’t possibly believe in Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s 1Malaysia. If he did, he would have chosen a Malaysian bride, better still a Sarawakian. Instead, he married a Syrian woman. Love is of course more important than racial origins.
Najib is due in Sarawak for a working visit this weekend and together with the First Lady, is expected to attend Taib’s wedding reception in Kuching.
The PM will join about 460 invited guests to mark Taib’s marriage to Ragad Waleed Alkurdi, from Syria. The spectacular ball will be a Who’s Who of South-East Asia perhaps. It is where Cinderella meets her prince’s chums.
Taib Mahmud remarried on December 18 last year and the akad nikah (solemnising of the marriage) was performed at his residence at Demak Jaya in Petra Jaya.
If Taib is accused of not practising Najib’s 1Malaysia, then he also stands accused of being too westernised.
The Press Secretary to the Chief Minister Jameson Ahip Nawie said, “This particular celebration will be a formal affair, where the male guests are expected to be attired in tuxedo suit.”
So what happened to the formal baju Melayu? Why are guests dressed to look like ‘penguins’? Is national costume not good enough for Taib?"
Amat sedih untuk membaca penulis Pakatan Rakyat Mariam Mokhtar untuk menulis dengan niat yang tidak baik seperti dalam artikel. "But Taib does not practise 1Malaysia". Apakah salah atau dosa untuk Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud untuk bernikah dengan seorang Syria, seorang arab, seorang cina, seorang india atau seorang kadazan?
Adakah Mariam Mokhtar melayu tulen? Atau melanau tulen, iban tulen atau kadazan tulen? Saya pasti Mariam Mokhtar seperti ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia mempunyai sedikit darah campuran dalam dirinya. Adakah Mariam Mokhtar akan bantah kalau anak atau anak buahnya mahu bernikah dengan seorang thai, arab, jerman atau amerika?
Adakah Mariam Mokhtar dan "anti-western"? Adakah sekarang Mariam Mokhtar akan putar balik (selama ini Mariam Mokhtar dan mengecam segala budaya Melayu) dan menetang segala 'idea western'?Adakah Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud 'too westernized' jika setengah tamu memakai baju 'western? Malangya ini juga satu lagi fitnah oleh Mariam Mokhtar dan kerana beberapa tamu dalam Majlis Perkahwinan Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud ADA memakai baju kebangsaan atau 'formal baju melayu'.
Kenapa Mariam Mokhtar dan mengaitkan pernikahan peribadi Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud dengan idea 1Malaysia? Bukankah jodoh itu adalah pemilihan peribadi? Amat tidak baik untuk memfitnah seseorang tidak menyokong 1Malaysia semata-mata kerana memilih pengantin bangsa lain. Kalau mariam mokhtar dan malaysia-chronicle tidak menyokong konsep 1Malaysia dan memburuk-burukkan konsep itu suka hatilah tetapi jangan memfitnah orang lain. Sila hormati kebahagiaan seseorang dalam waktu perkahwinannya dan jangan racuni dengan tohmahan atau fitnah. Adakah Pehin Sri Abdul Taib pernah memfitnah atau mencaci perkahwinan Mariam Mokhtar atau anak-anaknya? Janganlah begitu. Bila sesiapa mengambil langkah murni untuk mencari kebahagiaan dengan bernikah sah, "please just wish them well and happiness".
As the saying goes, "If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything...".
Sunday, 16 January 2011 01:08
But Taib does not practise 1Malaysia
Written by Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle
Najib is due in Sarawak for a working visit this weekend and together with the First Lady, is expected to attend Taib’s wedding reception in Kuching.
The PM will join about 460 invited guests to mark Taib’s marriage to Ragad Waleed Alkurdi, from Syria. The spectacular ball will be a Who’s Who of South-East Asia perhaps. It is where Cinderella meets her prince’s chums.
Taib Mahmud remarried on December 18 last year and the akad nikah (solemnising of the marriage) was performed at his residence at Demak Jaya in Petra Jaya.
If Taib is accused of not practising Najib’s 1Malaysia, then he also stands accused of being too westernised.
The Press Secretary to the Chief Minister Jameson Ahip Nawie said, “This particular celebration will be a formal affair, where the male guests are expected to be attired in tuxedo suit.”
So what happened to the formal baju Melayu? Why are guests dressed to look like ‘penguins’? Is national costume not good enough for Taib?"
Amat sedih untuk membaca penulis Pakatan Rakyat Mariam Mokhtar untuk menulis dengan niat yang tidak baik seperti dalam artikel. "But Taib does not practise 1Malaysia". Apakah salah atau dosa untuk Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud untuk bernikah dengan seorang Syria, seorang arab, seorang cina, seorang india atau seorang kadazan?
Adakah Mariam Mokhtar melayu tulen? Atau melanau tulen, iban tulen atau kadazan tulen? Saya pasti Mariam Mokhtar seperti ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia mempunyai sedikit darah campuran dalam dirinya. Adakah Mariam Mokhtar akan bantah kalau anak atau anak buahnya mahu bernikah dengan seorang thai, arab, jerman atau amerika?
Adakah Mariam Mokhtar dan "anti-western"? Adakah sekarang Mariam Mokhtar akan putar balik (selama ini Mariam Mokhtar dan mengecam segala budaya Melayu) dan menetang segala 'idea western'?Adakah Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud 'too westernized' jika setengah tamu memakai baju 'western? Malangya ini juga satu lagi fitnah oleh Mariam Mokhtar dan kerana beberapa tamu dalam Majlis Perkahwinan Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud ADA memakai baju kebangsaan atau 'formal baju melayu'.
Kenapa Mariam Mokhtar dan mengaitkan pernikahan peribadi Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud dengan idea 1Malaysia? Bukankah jodoh itu adalah pemilihan peribadi? Amat tidak baik untuk memfitnah seseorang tidak menyokong 1Malaysia semata-mata kerana memilih pengantin bangsa lain. Kalau mariam mokhtar dan malaysia-chronicle tidak menyokong konsep 1Malaysia dan memburuk-burukkan konsep itu suka hatilah tetapi jangan memfitnah orang lain. Sila hormati kebahagiaan seseorang dalam waktu perkahwinannya dan jangan racuni dengan tohmahan atau fitnah. Adakah Pehin Sri Abdul Taib pernah memfitnah atau mencaci perkahwinan Mariam Mokhtar atau anak-anaknya? Janganlah begitu. Bila sesiapa mengambil langkah murni untuk mencari kebahagiaan dengan bernikah sah, "please just wish them well and happiness".
As the saying goes, "If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything...".
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Land titles for Tupong residents
The long awaited wish of some 600 people around Tupong to own the land which they are currently squattering on is finally over as the government would hand them the land title on Jan 22.Among those who would be receiving the deed are those from Kampung Tanjung, Kampung Sinjan, Kampung Tupong (Hulu, Tengah and Batu) and Kampung Gita (Laut, Baru, Lama and Tengah).
Speaking at a meet-the-people session at Kampung Gita Lama yesterday, Infrastructure Development Assistant Minister Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman said that most of the residents here and other villages in Tupong would be given the deeds to the land that they have been residing at a simple ceremony to be held this Jan 22.
“However, due to some technical mix up, some of the land titles could not be handed out yet as the land were categorised under the wrong section.”
Unable to disclose the number of affected lots, Daud, who is also Tupong assemblyman, added that the process to hand over the land titles would take quite some time as rectification was needed to go through certain process, but insisted that all the land should have been categorised under Section 18.
Further explaining to the people, he stated: “The process of measuring the land would take a while due to existing section and gazette. For example, lands under Section 13 are only for 60 years and its premium and leasing must be paid every year.
“Whereas, lands under Section 18 or ‘in perpetuity grant’ would not have any annual charges as it is considered Bumiputera Rights land. Therefore, I have asked that the land be categorised under Section 18 and the government has given its approval.”
He stressed that the handing over of land ownership shows that the government always put the people’s plight its priority and that it is never the government’s intention to give hardship to the ‘rakyat’.
“It is our responsibility to put the people’s need our priority in line with the 1Malaysia ‘People First, Performance Now’ slogan.
“This is because the rakyat is our core business and the people would ensure the government’s success,” he highlighted.
In addition, Daud also refuted claims by the opposition that constantly accused the government of only implementing projects when election is near.
He reminded that development is a continuous process and not only when election comes looming.
Also present were Science, Technology and Innovation Deputy Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof, who is also Petra Jaya MP, and PBB Tupong branch deputy chief Zaidie Suhaili.
Speaking at a meet-the-people session at Kampung Gita Lama yesterday, Infrastructure Development Assistant Minister Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman said that most of the residents here and other villages in Tupong would be given the deeds to the land that they have been residing at a simple ceremony to be held this Jan 22.
“However, due to some technical mix up, some of the land titles could not be handed out yet as the land were categorised under the wrong section.”
Unable to disclose the number of affected lots, Daud, who is also Tupong assemblyman, added that the process to hand over the land titles would take quite some time as rectification was needed to go through certain process, but insisted that all the land should have been categorised under Section 18.
Further explaining to the people, he stated: “The process of measuring the land would take a while due to existing section and gazette. For example, lands under Section 13 are only for 60 years and its premium and leasing must be paid every year.
“Whereas, lands under Section 18 or ‘in perpetuity grant’ would not have any annual charges as it is considered Bumiputera Rights land. Therefore, I have asked that the land be categorised under Section 18 and the government has given its approval.”
He stressed that the handing over of land ownership shows that the government always put the people’s plight its priority and that it is never the government’s intention to give hardship to the ‘rakyat’.
“It is our responsibility to put the people’s need our priority in line with the 1Malaysia ‘People First, Performance Now’ slogan.
“This is because the rakyat is our core business and the people would ensure the government’s success,” he highlighted.
In addition, Daud also refuted claims by the opposition that constantly accused the government of only implementing projects when election is near.
He reminded that development is a continuous process and not only when election comes looming.
Also present were Science, Technology and Innovation Deputy Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof, who is also Petra Jaya MP, and PBB Tupong branch deputy chief Zaidie Suhaili.
PM and Wife Attend Taib Wedding
KUCHING, Jan 15 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor were the guest of honour at the ‘bersanding’ ceremony of Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and Puan Sri Ragad
Waleed Al-Kurdi at Kompleks Dewan Undangan Negeri, Petra Jaya here tonight.
Also present were the Yang Di-Pertua Negeri, Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng and his wife Toh Puan Norkiah and other cabinet ministers.
Taib, 71, had wed Ragad Waleed, 31, from Syria on Dec 18.
Ragad Waleed, the daughter of Waleed and Khayam Al-Kurdi has two brothers and an elder sister.
The Chief Minister’s wife was born in Damsyik but migrated to Riyadh at a young age while her father died in 2003.
Waleed Al-Kurdi at Kompleks Dewan Undangan Negeri, Petra Jaya here tonight.
Also present were the Yang Di-Pertua Negeri, Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng and his wife Toh Puan Norkiah and other cabinet ministers.
Taib, 71, had wed Ragad Waleed, 31, from Syria on Dec 18.
Ragad Waleed, the daughter of Waleed and Khayam Al-Kurdi has two brothers and an elder sister.
The Chief Minister’s wife was born in Damsyik but migrated to Riyadh at a young age while her father died in 2003.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
TBS terima RM366,160 zakat perniagaan Bernas
Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak (TBS) hari ini menerima zakat perniagaan sebanyak RM366,160 daripada Padiberas Nasional Berhad (Bernas) hasil keuntungan syarikat tersebut pada 2009.
Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud menyaksikan penyerahan zakat perniagaan tersebut daripada wakil Bernas iaitu Ahli Lembaga Pengarahnya, Datuk Azizan Ayob kepada Pengurus Besar TBS, Abang Mohd. Shibli Mohd. Nailie.
Pada majlis yang berlangsung di pejabat Ketua Menteri Sarawak di Wisma Bapa Malaysia di sini, Bernas turut menyampaikan sumbangan kepada Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim (Peryatim) Sarawak sebanyak RM20,000 dan masing-masing RM5,000 kepada Badan Amal Tenaga Isteri-Isteri Menteri Sarawak serta Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim) Sarawak.
"Sumbangan ini merupakan tanggungjawab sosial korporat syarikat kepada komuniti dan salah satu usaha Bernas untuk membantu golongan yang kurang bernasib baik," kata Azizan ketika ditemui pemberita selepas majlis tersebut.
Pada masa sama, Bernas turut menyumbangkan sejumlah RM50,000 kepada Unit Sukarelawan Pemuda Sarawak bagi membantu mangsa banjir di negeri ini.
Hadir sama pada majlis tersebut ialah Menteri Muda Hal Ehwal Islam Sarawak merangkap Pengerusi Peryatim, Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman; Pemangku Yang Dipertua Sabati, Puan Sri Empiang Jabu dan Pengerusi Perkim Cawangan Sarawak, Datin Hanifah Alsree Taib.
Sementara itu, Bernas diwakili Ketua Pegawai Kewangan, Ahmad Tramizi Mohamed Hariri; Pengurus Besar Kanan Sektor Perniagaan Malaysia Timur, Azhar Abdullah; Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Beras Corporation Sdn Bhd (BCSB), Mohd. Kamaluddin Mohd. Effendie dan Pengurus Besar Bahagian Hal Ehwal Korporat Bernas, Sabrina Yon.
Friday, January 14, 2011
I’m okay and ready to serve, says Daud

“Speculation that I will not contest in the coming state election because of my health is the work of an opportunist,” he said. He told reporters thisafter he received a courtesy visit from students and officers from Laila Taib Orphanage Complex, at his office.Daud said he was already feeling well and ready to serve the people.He also felt that the electorates in the area still needed his services
“I am already feeling okay. Do I look not okay?” he asked, adding that we was leaving it to the chief minister and state Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud whether to decide on his political future.
Daud, who has served as an elected representative
for 20 years, said he was aware that many younger people were yearning to become elected representatives.
According to him, Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) will always look for quality leaders to lead and serve the people.
He noted that it was never easy to become an elected representative, particularly when the expectations and wisdom of the people had changed compared to 20 years back
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